~A Place for You!~


Men’s Bible Study

Men's Bible Study meets Wednesday evenings @ 6:30pm in the Annex.  Please contact the church office if you would like more information. 

Confirmation Classes

Wednesdays @ 6pm.  Contact Pastor for more information.


Noon Bible Study

Join Billy Brinkerhuff as he leads Bible Study @ noon on Wednesday.  Enjoy lunch as we discuss the current study!

Youth Gathering

Students in grades 7-12 are welcome to join Billy and Hallie Brinkerhuff on Sundays between services and on Monday evenings for a time of fun, food, and fellowship. 

Women’s Bible Study 

Women's Bible Study meets Monday evenings at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Please contact the church office if you would like more information!


Altar Guild Help Needed

Altar Guild is looking for someone join the committee!! We are looking for help cleaning up communion after second service, and possibly join the join the rotation of communion set-up.


Meets Thursday throughout the year and are always looking for new members!  Come sing and enjoy great fellowship. Contact the church office for more information. 

~How Can I Give?~

Improvement Fund

Please continue to use the Improvement Fund envelopes found in the Welcome Center to donate towards future projects necessary for our church building.  Include your name if you'd like a statement for your donation. 

Weekly Devotion

Pastor writes a devotion 3 times pa week and email it as a 'blind copy' email devotion (your email address is not visible to others). Email Pastor to sign-up: pastor_carney@redeemerwarsaw.org

Redeemer 411

Catch up with preview episodes on our YouTube channel:  https://youtube.com/@RedeemerWarsaw

Redeemer Scholarship                     

If you are currently enrolled in college and would like receive a scholarship from Redeemer, please contact either Pete or Cindy Barnett.



Redeemer Facebook Page

Visit our Facebook page and “like” it each day to increase our web presence. Also, those with cell phones, check in each Sunday morning as you arrive at church.


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